Benefits Corner

Benefits Counseling can be one of the most important tools for the successful attainment and maintaining of employment of individuals with a disability. It can also be complicated but very much worth the effort. That is why members of the PaRC have recently created a ‘Benefits Corner’ which is a compiled list of helpful resources of both benefits counseling topics and OVR services included below. Please check back regularly for updates or reach out with any questions you may have at

Benefits Counseling Resources, Videos, Web Courses, and Webinars

K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability:

WIP-C™ credentialing program impacts thousands of lives:
As a trained work incentive practitioner, Milton Johnson assists people with disabilities with managing benefits while returning to work and gaining financial independence

Virginia Commonwealth University – Work Incentives and Planning Assistance (WIPA) – National Training and Data Center (NTDC):

WISE Webinars
Are you interested in learning about how work will affect your Social Security benefits? Social Security hosts free online Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) webinars. WISE webinars can help you and your family members learn about the Ticket to Work Program and other Social Security work incentives. They’re generally held on the 4th Wednesday of each month.

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