Your comments are welcome.

The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Council serves the state of Pennsylvania only. If you need assistance in a state other than Pennsylvania, visit Find Your State’s Rehabilitation Council page for listings in other states.

Let us hear from you. Please tell us about your experiences with the Pennsylvania OVR, Citizens Advisory Committee, CareerLink Center, or give us feedback on this site.

Please indicate in the body of your message if you would be interested in receiving the PaRC Newsletter, an informative bulletin shared bi-monthly through email that is intended to expand the conversation about the diverse issues affecting employment of people with disabilities. 

    Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Council Location

    More ways to contact us


    55 Utley Drive
    Camp Hill, PA 17011



    voice: 717.975.2004
    toll-free: 888.250.5175
    tty: 888.559.2658



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