Current information regarding PaRC happenings, the many diverse issues affecting employment of people with disabilities, and The Disability Rights Movement.
PaRC Newsletter
The PaRC Bi-monthly Newsletter is intended to broaden the conversation about the diverse issues affecting employment of people with disabilities. Those interested in receiving our newsletter may send an email to with their contact info or fill out the contact form provided on our contact page.
- February 17, 2025
- December 6, 2024
- October 1, 2024
- August 23, 2024
- June 14, 2024
- April 12, 2024
- February 2, 2024
- December 1, 2023
- October 3, 2023
- August 25, 2023
- May 11, 2023
- February 2, 2023
- December 2, 2022
- October 5, 2022
- July 21, 2022 (PDF)
- April 20, 2022 (PDF)
- March 25, 2022 (PDF)
- February 3, 2022 (PDF)
DISCLAIMER: Attachments from organizations other than PaRC are FOR INFORMATION ONLY and do not necessarily represent the position of the PA Rehabilitation Council. Any information or passages used directly from this document, please credit the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Council.

Sharing Your Success
PaRC Social Media / Outreach Committee would like to highlight OVR Employment Success Stories on the PaRC website, social media, Annual Report, and other communications. If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing an important employment related milestone achieved with the assistance of OVR services, please let us know. Such achievements may include attaining a dream job, a promotion, an important anniversary of successful integrated competitive employment, or other successes.
Spotlighting the important work and successful attainment of employment that is made possible through OVR services is the foremost mechanism for the PaRC to fulfill its mission. Please feel free to contact us with your information, questions, or comments at
Visit the following link to access “The Story” – the latest edition of OVR’s success story publication. The PaRC is excited to share these stories highlighting teachers and nurses and the employment attained through the Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services (BBVS) and Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (BVRS) District Offices.
The Story – An OVR Success Story Publication, 3rd Edition (PDF)
The OVR 2023 Annual Report can be accessed at the following link and provides the most recent VR Highlights. The report also highlights many successes from this past program year from CTI at HGAC, BBVS, BVRS, Project SEARCH program, on-the-job training (OJT), MY Work program, DHH Summer Academy, BBVS Summer Academy, and the Commonwealth Internship Program.
OVR 2023 Annual Report (PDF)
The following link to the 2022 OVR Annual Report highlights success stories from BVRS, BBVS and CTI at HGAC, as well as data, all reflecting the great work OVR does to help residents of Pennsylvania with disabilities meet their employment and independent living goals and employers meet their hiring needs.
2022 OVR Annual Report (PDF)
Visit the following link to access “The Story”. We are truly grateful to share the 1st edition of this OVR Success Story Publication highlighting employment obtained through the many OVR programs and partnerships throughout the Commonwealth.
The Story – An OVR Success Story Publication, 1st Edition (PDF)

Meet Adam
For Adam, hard work has been the “Key” to giant success. After working for seven years at Giant Food Stores, Adam took on the challenge of a second job at Key Business Solutions, and OVR support helped make it possible.
Adam has a reputation at Giant as a steadfast and excellent employee, and his success there led him to seek the job at Key.
“I wanted to challenge myself and expand my skillset,” Adam said. “I like to stay busy and productive.”
In the summer of 2019, while still working at Giant, Adam resumed job finding and job development services, thanks to support from OVR. Having honed his skills in sales and customer service, Adam sought a job that would present an opportunity to develop a different set of skills.
Key Business Solutions proved to be the perfect fit. He interviewed in August for a position as an Administrative Clerk, and by the end of the month was hard at work in his new role at the business consulting firm.
His favorite task is using the automated stamp machine to stamp and seal outgoing mail, but he’s a jack-of-all-trades around the office, filing papers, shredding documents, and preparing outgoing orders by selecting office supply items from the supply closet, packaging them, and scheduling a pickup with FedEx. Not only has Adam impressed his managers with his independence and ability to quickly learn new tasks, but his mother credits the job at Key for being the nudge he needed to finally get his driver’s license.
“Being able to drive has given him significant independence and led to many other things for him,” she said. “It’s even led to another work experience! Since he can drive, he was able to get paid to pet sit.”
Two jobs means long days, but for Adam, kicking back at the end of a workday doesn’t mean slowing down: when not at his desk at Key or on the job at Giant, you can find him cruising around on his skateboard, classic rock coming from his earbuds. His story exemplifies the way that OVR opens the door to greater possibilities.

Meet Hayden
When Hayden needed a new job, support from OVR helped him make a crucial career transition.
Hayden had worked in the mental health field for nearly 40 years. In 2017, however, the agency he worked for closed its doors, and Hayden found himself looking for a job.
Hayden is visually impaired, and BBVS connected him with Community Integrated Services (CIS). CIS is a supported employment provider that helps people with disabilities find and thrive in meaningful employment.
“I met with someone from OVR, and he referred me to Jon at CIS,” said Hayden. “As he was looking over my work history he said, ‘You know, you’d be perfect for working right here.’”
CIS hired Hayden as a job coach, where he helps to support CIS participants at their places of employment across Philadelphia.
Hayden was initially hired for a part-time role, but he excelled so much in his position that he’s now working full time, with all the attendant benefits. He loves the job, and will soon be celebrating two years at CIS.
“It’s really interesting work,” said Hayden. “You’re trying to bring somebody along, help give somebody greater independence, and coaching is one of the most effective ways to do it.”
The PaRC Social Media and Outreach Committee, in partnership with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), produced videos of OVR individual and business success stories. We want to thank both the individuals and companies that participated in making these videos and OVR for supporting the project. The PaRC is pleased to present the following videos. Please feel free to share.