Services provided: Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Blindness and Visual Services.

Counties served:

  • BVRS – Cumberland, Dauphin, Juniata, Lebanon, Mifflin, Perry
  • BBVS – Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, York

CAC By-laws (PDF)

Harrisburg CAC Flyer for 2023 meetings (PDF)

Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) scheduled meetings

Chair: Cathy Long





Meeting Location:

OVR Harrisburg District Office
555 Walnut Street, 8th floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Parking garage is on 5th street, and you will turn right into our garage off 5th Street, between Market St and Walnut St, if you turn left into a garage, you’re in the wrong garage. Once at the entry gate, honk your horn and the security office will raise the gate, we will provide a token when you leave, to exit the garage.

If you are unable to attend you can call in to the meeting at 1-855-750-1027 Access Code PIN #7968186 or 717-612-4733

Contact information:

Patrick Kane (BVRS)

Natalie Barbush (BBVS)

Harrisburg District Office
Forum Place
555 Walnut Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg PA 17101
Voice: 717-787-7834
TTY: 717-787-4013
Toll-free: 800-442-6352
Toll-free TTY: 877-497-6545

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